

F rom the HEART of a true INDIAN: I am an INDIAN citizen by birth and carry a very strong feeling for my country as well as for every fellow INDIAN. For the last few months what’s happening in my country on the issue of FARM BILL has really given me a HEARTACHE. This blog is not about benefits vs shortcomings of the bill but I would like to share my heart feelings on the ongoing protest through this very first BLOG of mine. What ever happene d  on Jan26, 2021 on REDFORT was really unfortunate and unexpected. Its not that I am against any religious flag but I personally believe that religious flags are meant for religious places only and NATION’S FLAG for national monuments. Tomorrow some other religion people will come and will unfurl their flag at the same place which may lead to a huge communal controversy. I believe every Indian may not come under one religion flag but all religions of India can come under one common flag of INDIA(TIRANGAA). We live in a DEMOCRATIC country not in a